Thursday, March 30, 2006

OH MY GOSH SO MUCH HAS TAKEN PLACE! MY SPOUSE AND I HAVE BEEN IN THE MIDDLE OF AN AWESOME TRANSITION. FINALLY AFTER 3 1/2 YEARS HE'S BLESSED US TO GET BACK INTO A HOME. LIFE THREW US, AS DID MANY AT THAT TIME, SOME PRETTY BIG DISAPPOINTMENTS. AFTER PURCHASING A 220,000 HOME AND PURCHASING TWO UTILITY VEHICLES MY HUSBAND'S EMPLOYER OF 9 YEARS WENT BANKRUPT AND WENT OUT OF BUSINESS! (And I had put in a 2 week notice that was coming swiftly to a close). My husband was convinced he'd find work making the same amount of money soon, so he told me it was okay to leave my notice in place. But what we both thought and were so confident would happen did not. He was out of work for about a year. We lost our first home one of our utility vehicles and maybe a little bit of faith. We were so confused and wasn't sure why God allowed us to lose so much when we were confident he'd let us keep it because of the way we'd gone through and believed. Our credit at this point was pulverised! And we didn't know if we'd even qualify for an apartment at this point. But God stepped up immediately and gave us favor with a Towne home owner that could relate to our situation and didn't care about our credit. Praise the Lord it was a great new start and this would give us a chance to work on our credit. We lived their a year and 1/2 not knowing when we'd build up enough interest and whatever else we needed to try and get another house. But the time did finally come and GOD, yes in spite of credit he blessed us again to get into A $200,000 home that we absolutely adore! WOW, GOD WILL NEVER CEASE TO AMAZE ME!

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