Saturday, July 07, 2007


Today I was involved in a community outreach program that was sponsored by MiddleKauff Ford and My sister- n- law's Non profit org, The Giving Movement. Many parents came out with their children, to have them finger printed and have their photos taken in the event their children were to ever go missing. This process records their photos,(front and side profiles), with all of their information and a device that would alert the police immediately if their children were to ever turn up missing.

It's no surprise that children are Kidnapped, its been going on since I've been on this earth. But it has definitely gotten worse. Flat out scary even! Not only for children but for adults as well!(people are kidnapping grown folks left and right! I wanted to get my fingerprints done and photo taken?)

As I watched all the kids in line, I thought they were sooooo cute, adorable and playful, so innocent. God forbid that any of these kids were to come up missing. But the sad truth is, cute little children just like these go missing every minute of the day. God what a horrible feeling that must be for a parent. I can only imagine. Lord Jesus I pray that you put a hedge around our children. Please dispatch many angels to protect them from the evil works of satan. In Jesus name, Amen.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Tonight, we are having a party to sample a new burger for a contest that my husband decided to enter. It is an orginal burger receipe. I can't wait to hear the reviews from the contest, everyone loved the burger and I believe it will be a success with Emeril and his judging board. I am so proud of my husband he is such a hard worker and I know it won't be long before we are walking in the financial status that, God promised us. Come on God, we know the rain is coming and we are preparing.