Wednesday, July 19, 2006


These truly are the last days, people are getting weary, or tired should I say of waiting on God. Their tired of doing things his way, and what he's ordained for their lives. They've received his blessings in the past they've testified of his greatness, because it was evident that it was through no strength of their own. But when times got hard, when trials came to prove them for too long they wanted out, they stopped believing and begin to point the finger. At who you ask? Everyone both themselves and especially at God's messengers. We've always lived in a world where people won't take responsibility for themselves. I'm getting sick and tired of people blaming their Pastors for their own spiritual down falls. When people are on the mountain top spiritually and everything seems to be going their way, God and his leader can do no wrong. They constantly sing the praises of the church because things are going pretty good for them, or even okay. But take heed when a man's spiritual state begins to go dim, they no longer feel the need to testify, they are negative, or even non responsive in services, they've forgotten all the things that God has done for them. They've forgotten the words of prophecy from the leaders that have gone forth and come true , now all of a sudden nothings right. Nothings true, every thing's a lie, because they can't get their way. All of a sudden its the leaders fault, that they can't make it. They even start to doubt that God's word is true. The more the Leader delivers the word the more they despise it and its messanger, and they begin to find fault in everything they do. This ministry that they've grown under, the ministry that they've been delivered under and taught the real word of God under, even understood it and saw it work in their lives; all of a sudden it doesn't' make sense anymore, and they come to the conclusion that this can't be true. Its not effective for them because their vision is abscured through faithless eyes! How dare you?!!! You who are guilty of this, You can't deny what you've experienced in a Holy and God fearing church. Nothing can take your experience away from you, but Satan if you listen to the lies that he plant in your minds. You can't deny what you've received from God or his leaders. It is not our job to decide what our Pastor is or isn't doing right. God's job is to Judge our Pastors, our job is to follow and obey. Of course no one is bound if a leader is not teaching holy living according to God's word. But you know the Gospel that is being taught has sent deliverance in your lives, your growth has been tremendous in times past. God has elevated you and put you in a place that you could not have gotten on your own. But because you've neglected your soul, everything is the leaders fault, "Oh if they would just do their jobs then I could serve God freely!"(you say) What have you been doing all this time?? Hush up! And let them do their jobs, you have your own job to do. Did God call you to be a Pastor? Has he given you this flock? If not, then do your own job, and let the Pastor do theirs because on Judgment day, you'll only be required to give an account for yourself and the Leader its congregation. God will judge his leaders. If you find that you are finding more fault in your ministry, always seeking to change something that just isn't right, Start searching yourself to see what's different inside of you. Turn that pointed finger where it should be, and take it off your leader if you know your leader to be Good, Holy, and one that loves God and his people! Stop blaming them and let them do what God called them to do.

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