Friday, July 07, 2006


Our Pastor has been speaking a lot lately on becoming a servant. In this world the title "Servant" comes with a lot of negativity. No one wants to be seen as a servant or to be associated with lowliness, but they want to be seen as a high roller or some one of great status. Unfortunately, in America servants are not treated as they should be, in most cases they're looked down on because they choose to serve or maybe its the only job they can find at the time. But how blind are we? I was reading In the book of Genesis where Rebecca took it upon her self to serve an out of town King. And not only did she serve him she started serving the Camels he rode in on! Because of this act the King didn't see her are some lowly servant girl that was good for nothing but that. He didn't ask her to do this, and went why out of her way to serve him. This spoke very loud about her character and it proved that she was a very strong Woman. To be Humble means to be submissive, and in order to be submissive means you are a strong person. Because you are in control of your emotions and your flesh and many people can't say that. Unfortunately in America, and I"m sure in some other countries if you submit it sends the message of weakness or fear but this is not always the case! Anyone can lash out, anyone can degrade others to make themselves feel better anyone can boast or flaunt! But it takes a strong and kind person to be a submissive and to serve. Jesus showed this same kindness with his disciples when he offered to wash their feet. They forbid him to do it because of who he was but Jesus insisted. He said it is necessary that I wash your feet. I'm setting an example, what I do for you, you do for each other and he also told them they could have no part with him, if he did not do this! Needless to say they quickly had a change of heart. I'm beginning to learn more and more that what we do for others we do for God. It will be much easier for us to serve if we count it as a deed done unto the Lord. Now some people are easy to serve because they are sweet,caring, and giving, they have a great attitude.. so its not hard for most of us to serve people like this. But there are going to be people that we loathe serving because they expect it and look down on us for doing it. But I can hear God "saying come on! Can you not do it for me!" "I am the person that died for you, the person that is giving you eternal life, the person that's forgiven you time and time again. I love you, do it for me" And in seeing God and not the person so much, I believe we can be victorious. This will also help us to see people as God sees them. We are to love everyone as Christs does. By serving people it will help us to witness and minister to them, and even save some through our service. We probably can't see all the benefits, that serving others may have. But I know its doing us more good than we know! I'm convinced that it builds character, love, humility, and the ability to yield. Serving puts us in a greater light than we may realize and when we do it as unto the Lord, we can have joy in it! I pray daily that God helps all of us sto become natural Servants, because this is pleasing to Our Lord and Saviour...

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