Tuesday, April 04, 2006


WOW! WE ARE NOW INTO THE SECOND QUARTER OF 2006! Time is definitely not waiting on any of us, and if anything it seem to be in fast forward. I had a lot of goals set for the first quarter of this year, a few of them(including one major goal) did not get accomplish. Ugggggggggggggh! I get so frustrated with myself sometimes. I want to blame some of this on lack of finances but I'm tired of excuses regardless of how legitiment they may be? So what, I don't have the money I think I need to get something accomplished. I'm sure if I took the time to be more creative or worked harder in some areas or maybe even prayed the right prayers these things would've gotten accomplished. God has proven that he does not need "money" to work, even though we continue to act like nothing can be done unless we have tons of it. Don't get me wrong money is good, we do need money, its very convenient, however we can cripple ourselves and flush our dreams down the toilet if and when we decide we can't do a thing because we don't have the funds. This excuse can keep a person a bay for their entire life! And if you let it, it will cause you to never do anything. Because the truth is even when you get money, you'll find a need for even more money! There's always something bigger or greater that we push for and in most cases money would make it a lot easier to accomplish. But I am convinced that I better do something regardless of how much money I don't have because time and life is not worried about what my excuses are. Time has one single command from God and that is to keep going! God require things of us, our life demand certain things of us, our family, friends and circumstances all require that we "get it done" and at the end of the day, week, month, or year no excuse will hold up if we don't. I've learned this if nothing else, all the details of a thing doesn't matter as much as the final result.... did you fail or did you succeed, bottom line! It's time that we all do something to become what we've always dreamed of being and what God has equipped us to be for him, because if we continue to wait on "The right time" i.e. when its more convient or we have more money, we're going to live and die with regrets!

1 comment:

Anthony Edward said...

"Time has one single command from God, and that is to keep going."

- You said a mouthful! I don't even know what to say in response to that. I am going to have to think about this for a while. What you said here is so simple, yet so profound. The first thought that comes to my mind is, why? Why doesn't time wait on us? Why don't we get a second chance at today? I guess it's like your post said... if he gave you today, then take advantage of that. Don't waste it. Don't squander it away. But cherish it, and use it wisely.