Tonight was fun! My husband decided he was going to go out with some of the brothers from church for dinner, and just hangout. So a few of us girls decided we'd do some hanging out of our own. We went to Studio Movie Grill, and watched an amazing movie ("August Rush"),and afterwards we sat down at a Chili's resturant to share desserts, and enjoy each others company. The thearpy we receive through fellowship is amazing. August Rush was so unbelieveably good, that we all wanted to cry, and some of us did! We couldn't stop talking about it as we were being seated at the resturaunt. Soon, we began to consumed our very fattening Chocolate Molten Cake and ice cream; we laughed our selves silly over simple things. The laugh-a-thon brought several glances our way; some where accompanied with a smile. Laughter brings joy. They couldn't help but shoot us a smile back!
God designed us for fellowship, yes there are times when we want to be alone, and sometimes we should be. But it is not good for a human being to be alone "All" the time. We have to nurture, love on, and revive one another. Satan has at one time or another, tried to make us believe that we don't need friends, or fellowship. But that is a trick from the pit. When we fellowship with good people, especially Godly people, it nurtures a part of our spirit that may have been sluggish due to the wear and tare of every day life. Constant neglect of fellowship can promote self-pity, and even depression. Fellowship heals.
As we all got into our cars and went our separate ways, I smiled within because I felt good about our outing. There was no competitive conversations, no big I's and little u's. No one person making it all about them; just good clean fun for everyone, and apparently this was the perscription that all of us needed to close out the week. As I continued to rehearse the night in my mind, I received a call from one of the women in our group...."Hey, I just wanted to say, I had fun. This has been a very hard week for me, and I needed this."
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