Ish. 55:10-11
I am loving this passage of scripture today. Verse 10 especially, it says; that God’s words are as the rain and snow, when it goes forth it has a purpose, and it will not return unto him; UNTIL it accomplish what it was sent after. It says it will bring forth and bud, that it will give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater!
When rain falls from the sky; it doesn’t rain just because. Rain has a command from God, and it is focused on its mission; Rain does not stop moving until it has satisfied what it was sent to do. (That it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater.) We must see this powerful comparison of rain and snow to God’s words as more than a cute passage. This verse is alive and kicking! God's word is sent to satisfy, to make full! Once God speaks a promise, once he speaks over our lives, the words can’t die. That Rain(the word)will not return unto God void, He must be satisfied, and until He says "it is good" he won't receive them back.
If you haven’t received what you were promised by God, don’t freak out, because He's not content either. (We should also remember; His ways are not our ways. Look for the fulfillment of your promise in unconventional ways.) It will not always spring up how we’d expect, but it will spring up, in the season that is best.
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