THE GOLDEN COMPASS...harmless entertainment?
It was brought to my attention that there are some christians that don't see this movie as harmful. Now I'm not one to get into these kinds of debates, like the whole Divinci code saga a while back, I think its a deversion and waste of time. But when one self proclaimed Christian stated that some christians are too serious about things like this, and its harmless enterainment I had to say something! I believe everyone needs a reminder, of what we're up against.
I've heard so much about this movie, and I decided early on that I would not go see it. We must Get that Satan is a trickster, He is a liar, and a theif. His job is to steal, kill, and destroy..St. John 10:10..He "decieves"... Theives, don't steal in light but they disguise themselves. And why not use entertainment, it seems harmless, and It has the largest audience?
Don't be tricked...
This is "serious" business, we are talking about our souls here, Christians(and all people) should be very "serious" about that...We only get one soul.(and I want mine to live forever with Christ!)
Satan wants us to see him as a "small threat" or not to believe he exists at all! If Satan came after you dressed in a red suit, horns pertruding out of his head, with a giant pitch fork, trying to convince you to turn your back on God, of course you'd run...Without a second thought.
Young people, (and Old), be very careful at what you entertain. Time is running out, and the enemy has stepped up his soul stealing tactics, he's going to use whatever he can to turn people against Our Creator, Our God, "Our ONLY SAVIOUR" without Christ, we're doomed. Right now we have a choice, Satan has nothing to lose.. But We Do....(please run in the opposite direction of this movie and other forms of entertainment like it!)
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