Who are you looking at?
So. I got a phone call today from a fairly new saint. They called concerned, wanting to know why they hadn't seen a few of the "veteran" saints at church lately. Truth is, I've been dreading conversations like these. How do you tell new saints, trying to hold on, that those they've looked up to and admired all this time, had walk away? I had rehearsed over and over in my mind how I would answer this question without damaging people's Faith, in God. There was not enough sugar, or smoke screens that I could throw up, to make this sound any better. (I know! I've tried it before and it didn't work, my answers didn't make sense so, the questions kept coming!)
I briefly paused..and said; "They left." "They are no longer members of our church." I could hear the gasp in their voice, "What..Why?" they asked. (and this person was not trying to be messy, they were really concerned about these people. (I was hoping they didn't ask me why, only these people, and God know the real reason) So I said, people walk away or go somewhere they think is better for them. I left this person in a state of: It is, what It is, and quickly ended the call.
The phone rings again, they are back on the line. (Voice sounding a little dismayed) They say; "You know, its sad. You go all of this time looking up to people, admiring them for who they are in God, you see them as someone you'd want to be like, and then they just walk away from it? That's wrong." I quickly sighed and said, "that is very true." (You better have your eyes on God.)
It's natural for us to admire a person and want to be like them. (especially if they are accomplished, talented, or anointed) God wants us to be great examples. But at any time the person you admire decides to go down? You better shake it off, an keep your eyes on Jesus!
Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
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