Well it's a new year, and my journey has begun, again! Last year I had a few goals that I vowed would be accomplished. Become certified in CPR: Check! Become a certified group excersise leader: Check! Author and Publish my first book: ummmmm-not so much. Unfortunately I allowed things in my life to side track me, months at a time. I could literarly hear the empty pages of my book calling out to me, but I could not bring my self to write. I simply busied my self with other projects for a temporary fix. And when the year turned I couldn't be upset because I hadn't put in the work to get it done. I was frustrated, but not upset.
You see, when you do little you get little, and when you do nothing, you get nothing in return? It's just the way it is. We can't withhold parts of ourselves or make tiny investments into our dreams and expect we will be successful. We can only be great in the areas we give most of our energy. Now, to be clear, my first goal for 2008 is without a doubt: to grow closer to God. I want a greater relationship with God because I know there is much more to Him than what I know now. Knowing more about Him can only make me love him greater! God has more to share with me in spirit, and I want to receive that. I understand that I can do nothing without Him. Matt 6:33 reminds us all that we should put God first and expect the rest to follow. This I will do with gladness.
As for my writing: I spoke to two accomplished women who are involved in my areas of interest. I asked them, "How are you able to accomplish so much?" One of the women(not much older than me) is a mother of two,serves on 2 or 3 committies, has a law degree, recently authored and published a novel,consistently book signings for her novel, and she held a full time job at a demanding investment company! I asked, "Where do you find the time?" She simply said, "You make time for what's important to you". The second woman: separate coverstation, resides in a different part of the country, said the exact same thing. She said, "At that time nothing is more important to me than "that project", I focus on that and don't stop until it is finished." She stressed, "You make it your most important thing." And after I heard that, I said, "this is so true."
We can talk about what we want to accomplish, and what our passion's are in life. But our actions show what our passions are! And if we are investing in everything else except, "that thing" we say, we desire most.(and hopefully God approves) then we are only deceiving ourselves. I will not let that happen to me this year. I made some good accomplishments in 2007 that I am happy about. But this year I've got to give it all I've got. This way if something doesn't happen the way I planned then I know it wasn't because I didn't "do the work", I am going to be prepared as I can be for all my successes. I know God won't let me down. When the right time comes He will be standing at the door, holding it wide open for me, and I will be ready to walk right on through it, or shall I say, Shout on through it!
I love your accomplishment! It is awesome. It certainly inspires me to achieve my goals as well. I am certain you will make great strides and finish many books! I love your blog. I've got a long way to go!
Thanks God's Agent! It's funny, you have many areas of accomplishment, and Publishing books is just another noch on your very talented belt! You write very well, I've enjoyed all of your blogs. I can't wait to read you next book!
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