How much is enough? You pray, You encourage, You sacrafice, You pray some more, you encourage some more. But still they can't make it. Why can't I or anyone else get through to them. Why don't they used the power of God that dwells on the inside of them for strength. (could be that its malnourished? but whose fault is that?) It seems hopless and yet I know there's nothing too hard for God. I have my own things that I need to excel in, that I need to work on, that I need to perfect in God. I'm working out my own soul salvation with fear and trembling and it seems I'm never doing enough. (Our church is on the very brink of something super glorious) We don't have time for Satan, so we must fight! "Bare ye one anothers burdens" is at the force front of my mind. It doesn't matter how long, it doesn't matter how intense that help needs to be. I am commanded to treat the burdens of my brother or Sister in Christ as my own. (Lord, I must keep my self built up because its so hard especially when they seem to be compassing that same mountain over and over again, and I just thinkg What Else? Why can't they just get it? But I can't give up on them, I know they love God and I want to see them make it, But what else can I do differently? What else? Well, the more I think about it, there's a lot more I can do, I can dedicate an entire prayer session only for them....I can cry out as if it was my own soul at stake.....I can set aside a fast only for them and watch God do the rest Because the fact is we're no body's saviour, we can only do what God commanded us to do and hope...
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