It is the first rule of thumb, In everything. We can't expect that anything will begin, be finished, or be successful if we don't show up! I was reading in Chicken soup for the Soul (The writers version)and a particular writer gave five rules of becoming a successful writer. They were SHOW UP, pay attention, tell your truth, do your best, and don't be attached to the outcomes. I thought these were all awesome and very true. However, I needed to direct most of my attention at this time to the first rule. SHOW UP!
We can talk about success and we can know exactly what to do, but none of it counts unless we actually do it, and in order to do it, We must first SHOW UP. We must keep our appointments; with ourselves, with others, and most importantly with God! And I'm not talking about hitting and missing, but every morning that you have strength and health in your body. Because it is consistency in showing up that will take you to your expected end, your Prize!
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