Have you touched Jesus?
In Mark 5:25-34 The story is told of the woman who had the Issue of Blood for 12 years. Jesus was on his way to one of the rulers of the synaguouges house to heal his dying daughter, when this woman who was band from society because of her "uncleaness" took notice that Jesus was in the vecenity, and knowing he was her only way out, she got in the press. This woman who was not allowed to be in contact with anyone because of her situation, secretly blended into the crowd and said "but if I could just touch the hem, of his garment I will be made whole' and there were many people around Jesus, bumping into him, pulling and tugging him this way and the other, he was being pressed upon by every one. But, when this woman reached out and touch his "garment" he said, who touched me?
His disciples not understanding why Jesus would ask such a thing because there were people all around him, touching him. And so they said Jesus what do you mean who touched you, are you serious? But Jesus was not speaking of a casual touch, He was speaking about a faith touch!
Faith is noticed by God, and it speaks out louder than anything else that we can do. This, woman who knew she was forbidden to be out in public not alone touching people. But, this woman knew that she had to make contact with Christ some how, and if she couldn't touch him, she'd settle for the Hem of his garment, What Faith! This also means that this woman had to be on her knees. And doesn't life circumstances have the ability to do just that? The trials and hardships of this life can put us in a desparate state literally bringing us to our knees, but what do you do when you're down there? Do you grovel and complain, do you throw a private pity party, or do you reach out and touch Jesus? My loves, when we are at our lowest, we can't give up. Jesus is very near to those who are of a broken spirit and a Contrite(or remorseful) heart. Psalms 34:18 When we are at our lowest we are in a perfect position to be noticed by God, So reach out in Faith and touch Jesus. Ask for His forgiveness, His healing, His power to press on, ask in Faith. Only believe it, and you will be made whole.
This is so true. Some of our most intimate moments with Jesus were in the wilderness seasons. As I get older, though, I pray that there is a way to remain close to Him without having to go through so much pain.
Thansk KD for your comment. Yes Maam that is a great observation.. and you know, Jesus said if we suffer with Him, then we are going to Reign with Him! So the suffering and the blessings are really parallel. It is Satan's job to make us focus on the Suffering,but God's Glory is ever so present. In our Pain and weakness He is glorified.
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