Friday, April 07, 2006


This week my husband and I celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary. I really can't beleive its been that long, it doesn't feel like it. We've had so much fun and we've learned so much about each other. I love my husband so much and I thank God that he didn't see me with anyone else but him. We've been through so many things in these 9 years and the way God has blessed us to make it through is just amazing and we know it was only him. It didn't take us long to learn how one another ticked and from our 2nd year on we made it our business to treat one another with respect and love. We'
ve had a really good marriage. And I know what helped us is that we learned in the first year that we were on the same team, that we have nothing to prove to each other, and we learned to surrender to each other and God. In a relationship when two people seek to obey God and please him everything else falls in place. There's is no way that you're being obedient to God when you're holding grudges and continue to build more grudges on top of that in a marriage.Also we learned to respect each other, I think we can get to non chalant when it concerns our spouses and everthing becomes too common. But it just shouldn't be that you're going to give someone that you don't share your bed with every night more respect than your spouse. This is the person you loved enough to make a vow before God with! Respect is very important and we should consider how it would make us feel to be disrespected. Darius and I have had our disagreements and arguements but we never let them take root and grow. We deal with everything as it comes and then we moved on to the things in our lives that are more important. Thank you some much God for blessing us to grasp the basic concept of what a real marriage should consist of.

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