Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Being misunderstood for most of us is one of the biggest fears we can face. Think about it. How did you feel the last time someone took something you spoke as straight foward as you could, and turn it into the complete opposite? If you're anything like me you were probably shocked or baffled. Usually my thoughts are, what other way could I have said this to make them understand? Am I the one crazy? So in future conversations we try our best to be clear in what we're saying while explaining and elaborating the heck out of a simple situation. We don't want one sentence to be taken out of context so what should've bee 2 minute conversation easily turns into 10(and God forbids if they show they aren't receiving what we're saying well)! We could all use more discernment and wisdom when talking to some people. There's only so much we can control. The bottom line is we can't control what people think. You may be able to get through to some,but with most people they're going to think what they want no matter how much explaining you do. So why do we continue to try and hedge every sentence?

Why can't we just come right out and say whatever it is we want to say and leave it at that. One of the reasons is because we don't want to give the other person a chance to form a negative thought or comment about it. It's some what of a defense mechanism. We try to figure out what the person may be thinking or about to say , and we'll try to head them off with adding a tag line. I am so guilty of this! And I REALIZE... I WASN'T ALWAYS THIS WAY! I use to say what I meant and however they wanted to take it, was on them? I didn't let it bother me. But that begin to cost me so much headache and frustration. Things would come back to me the complete opposite of what I said or meant. And I must admit most of the misunderstandings could've been from the tone of my voice or a crazy facial expression.

Those things communicate more to people than the actual words that are coming out of our mouths. I know I have this problem I'm very expressive and most things show up on my face, but does not always tell the entire story. So over the years its just been easier for me to try over explain what I really mean so people won't be hurt or get the wrong impression. But I've realized lately that this is not necessary, I could be sending an even deeper message to the listener by over explaining and giving reasons for everything. And quite frankly I'm growing tired of doing this.

From now on I will practice saying what I mean as straight forward as possible with love and wisdom. And let the other person do with it what they will because no matter how much I say, I can't fully control how they receive the words that are coming out of my mouth.

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