Hebrews 12:1b Let us run with patience the race that is before us..
In Part 1, we talked about putting off the weights that would hold us down, while running our race of becoming more like Christ, as well as the person and purpose he's called us to. Once we’ve decided to put off all the baggage and lay down everything to follow Christ whole heartedly, we must go on to run a steady race. Folks it's going to take patience.. We live in a microwave society, everyone wants what they want, and they want it yesterday. When we are seeking for spiritual blessings in God, developing a ministry, and spiritual maturity, it doesn’t come overnight. We’re going to have to be faithful to the Lord and endure many hardships, and indulge in spiritual disciplines on a consistent basis before we start to see some of this fruit. In other words, you have to be made; you must be proven by God. And this takes patience and endurance.
You and I both have seen how those races turn out. The winner isn’t always the strongest person, or the one who comes out of the blocks first. But, the person who properly prepared to endure “throughout” wins the race. Maybe they took the time to learn different running and breathing techniques, or maybe their endurance training was a very dedicated and rigorous one. They were also wise enough to know that in a long distance race, you can’t take off too fast or they’d used too much of their energy resulting in self destruction half way through. But as you watch the wise runner, it appears that every one is getting ahead of him and he appears to be weak or falling behind but he’s consistent he’s keeping a steady pace. And, as the race gets down to the last two laps you notice him kicking it into third gear, and then 4th and 5th gear. And before you know anything they began to pass those that started out too fast,(those that didn’t take time to learn, and be made) and before you know anything they’ve won! And the one that you thought for sure would make it is has fallen behind. They were not conditioned for a Long Distances Race, so they failed. And a lot of Christians today fall into this same situation spiritually. They are not prepared, they don't expect things to get so hard, so, they we give up.
In this Race we must expect ups and downs, but we have to keep going. We must anticipate not understanding God. We aren't going to understand why God would allow us to go through certain things but we must keep going. And, sometimes it will appear as though we are losing, and we just want to quit, but we MUST KEEP GOING!
Saints, too many of us want to be great, without going through great things, and going through the right way. We want to jump over all the grooming, chastising, the trials, and real endurance it takes to win this race. (And there are so many different legs, but that’s another post!)
Children of God- know this… there is no easy way through. We are going to have to suffer.. God’s word said if we suffer with Him, then we are going to also reign with Him. (2 Tim 2:12) If Christ suffered in the flesh, then we must arm ourselves as well, this is scriptural! So let’s not fret or become discouraged when it seems you are constantly going through struggle, because struggle is a part of the race! Peter said; think it not strange the fiery trials that are to “TRY” you as though some strange thing happened to you?(1 Peter 4:12) It’s all apart of the training! So just as you would pump your self up to get through a natural race, or a phyisical fitness workout, or whatever it is that you accomplish for yourselves naturally, do the same thing for God. And you WILL finish your race strong! Stay on track, obtain your prize, remember God is with you, and more of Him is at the finish line!