You shalt have no other God's before me....
Exodus 20:3
This is the first commandment given by God, to the Children of Israel, when they were rescued from slavery in Eypt. When God establish relationships He wants us to understand up front that He will not take a back seat to anything or anyone in our lives. When we Love other things more than we do God, His statues and commandments will not drive our actions, because they do not hold a superior position in our lives. When we move God to the back seat, It becomes easy to make God ways "positive thinking" or a pick me up, instead of a way of life.
The Lord's Commandments are given to us for our own protection. When you put Him first, do you notice that everything else in your life seems easier to tackle? Are you less flustered or frustrated about situations? The word of God, says the peace of God will pass ALL understanding. When God is first in our lives we are able to handle things with His Widsom, and in His strength which leads to a more victorious life in Him..