Okay it's that time of year again. A time of reflection and new aspirations for the up coming year. This year, I have not been blogging, journaling, or writing as much as I'd hoped. Although I did start out strong, and through the summer I had some strong periods but overall it's been so so. I've been in some instances embarrassed to call my self a writer this year because I just haven't been doing it. I was so determined too write more, and finish a book that I've been wanting to complete for five years now. But as always I let life's responsibilities, trials, and disappointments disable me. Sometimes if we're not careful life can snuff out some of the greatest desires in our heart. I don't want my life to be a long list of.."I wish I would've or could've?" There is more to me than what I let others see. There's more to me than what I let my self see! I constantly feel it knocking down the door trying to get out, but I have been in some ways too afraid or lazy to open the door, and leave it open. (I will admit that.) I am 34 years old, and like most people my age I've rehearsed over and over in my mind where I am in life, and where I am with God, and if this is acceptable.
I think about everything that I've gone through, I analyze how I've dealt with the things I've gone through,the choices I've made through my experiences, and if they were God's choices for my life. Sometimes you can never be too certain. But I really do my best to acknowledge God in everything that I do. Nevertheless, another year has almost ended. It's the day after Christmas, and it feels as though this year was a sprint for me. And I did as much as I could to stay in the race without getting knocked down. I can't say flat out that I "feel" more accomplished this year than what I felt on last year? I do have some tangible accomplishments but many are missing. I need to reflect on it a little longer, I have not sat down to fully evaluate all of the specific goals that I set for myself back in 2007. (I've actually been a little afraid to do that.) Although I did not finish one of the more important goals that I set for this year, I will not beat my self up about it. I'm mature enough now to understand that it is a waste of time to pout and stress over things that I didn't do. What is done, or not done is in the past,and can not be changed. But what I do in the present will determine what my future past will be.
What is it that solidifies success for us? Is it a simple check list of goals that we've completed by a specific date? Is it a certain income level that we had hoped to reach? Is it an elite level of social status, or tangible acknowledgements for our work? It could be all of these things, or none depending on who we are as individuals. But Lord knows a little from each of these areas couldn't hurt!
I believe what makes most of us successful has little to do with what we believe it to be. God's idea of success and our idea of success is so vastly different, and much more profound! If we could just adopt God's idea of success for our lives, we'd be more fulfilled.
I believe Joshua 1:8 should be the vehicle to which we use to become successful. In it God encourages Joshua as he impends on the largest calling of his life. The Lord, in a way was letting Joshua know that his success will not lie in how many miracles he could perform vs how many he allowed Moses to perform. Joshua's success wouldn't be judged on his leadership skills vs Moses leadership skills, no not by God. But the only thing he would need in order become successful is the knowledge, and love of God's word, and then to act on what God's word says..that's it? No 7 or 10 step program, no complete series of this cd, book, or seminar, and the other. We can make success so complicated by trying to keep up with the world's idea of success. We can get so wrapped up with what others think we should be doing that we forget to strive for the only success that counts, and that is success with God. We should care less about what people think, and more about what God knows. We should be more concerned with looking good in the eyes of the Lord, than trying to appear successful in the eyes of man. Because the bottom line is.. it doesn't matter what it looks like God knows the truth, and his assessment of us is the real one. It is the one that will stand in the end! So on this year I'm not going to do my typical list of things that I want to accomplish, I am simply going to use Joshua 1:8 as my vehicle and see where it takes me!