This Weekend My husband and I celebrated our 11th year of being married to one another. We've gone through a lot, and we've had so much fun with each other! We were married so young that we've matured together and it's been a wonderful learning experience. We got that we are on the "same team" during the first year of our marriage. IF I talk about my Husband, and put Him down, I talk about my self,and I'm tearing my ownself down.. it's as simple as that? We are one flesh, when people see Him, they see me, and vice versa. (Sure we have our fun taking shots at one another, we're joksters, but nothing serious)
There's no competion or points to prove here, we respect one another and we show our love regularly. We are truly best friends, we are so much alike in a lot of areas. (I remember when my husband first realized I could out laugh him he was shocked to silence, He'd held that trophy for a while in his family! (lol) oh-well.(smile) We don't take our selves too seriously we let our guards down and we are just goofy with one another and it makes our marriage really fun! If our walls could talk we'd have a hit comedy show on our hands! (Seriously we show out.)
Overall, Our core(our strength) has been that we love God & respect His laws and commandments. We care about what is important to the Lord. When you strive to please God, When you care about what He cares about, you can't help but to have a successful marriage.
I thank our God for blessing us to get this, and we look forward to the Lord blessings us with 11 more wonderful and exciting years! .