Beyond Sunday MorningI was going over our Sunday School lesson for tomorrow morning, It's called:
Summoned to Labor.And the scriptures Luke 10:1-20 reveals God's primary will for our lives as Christians. Christ sent out 70 men with a command to "reap" the souls "He" had harvested. Meaning there are souls waiting to be brought in, "I" have already prepared them, all you have to do is go and get them, that's it!" (We literally have free and open souls waiting on us to get there.)
So Christ says to them "GO!" The Harvest truly is Great, but the labourers are few. We, as the chosen of God, can not sit content in our own salvation, and let
"The Harvest of Christ wither away, we have to go out and get them.Would you stand by and let fresh vegtables, produce, and even finances that you've planted and invested grow up, only to be left there? What purpose would your hard work have served? Would it not be in vain?
As the Holy Spirit was revealing this to me I began to repent to Christ because I know I have not done all I should to bring in "His Harvest, and that's just a hard truth?
Christ took a huge hit for the team. He planted the seeds, as tough as that ground was He tilled it, and He got those seeds in there! And, at the end of His ministry He sacraficed His Life! And in 3 days He rose from the dead, handing off the baton to us, and with it Power!
He said Go, Go and bring them in, they are waiting on you. You have everything you need to do this job!This command of Jesus is not very difficult, because He reveals that through no power of our own do we have to convince people to be saved, or make them accept Him. God Himself has already done that work.
Some of us have fallen short in God, due to "self-reliance." We've become selectively blind to the fact that this truly is "His Work" and we are simply harvesters in "His fields."
Working for God is not getting up every Sunday Morning, and occupying a seat on the pew, for a few hours. It's not simply singing in the choir, or working as an usher.
But what we do "in His fields" Mon-Sat is going to make the difference. Church, we are behind. It is time for us to catch up and take what is ours! We Must build God's Kingdom. Christ has already done the most difficult part!