Chan, Just Write!!
I know I should be beaten. I haven't blogged on this site since last year! Mostly because I couldn't remember my user name and password, nor did I take out the time to try and locate it?(sad) When I last wrote I was going into a major surgery or coming out of one, I can't remember but last year ended in pain. I started 2007 off very strong, all of my goals were neatly written out and some typed up. One of my biggest was to get my book finished and published within the first 90 days of this year ....Yea well, that has not happened? The first 2 months I was doing pretty good, I made some good dents into my book, but then I ran into editing issues and that slowed me down, then in March my Grandfather's illness he carried over from 06 had progressed, I went out to visit him and then two weeks after that he died! I loved my grandfather so much, he was like my Father the only "real" father I've ever had. Well that ordeal really set me back, not that I was over grieving or anything but the back and forth traveling from Texas to Mississippi in March brought my writing to a screeching halt! It started with me being uncomfortable traveling with my lap top(for fear I'd lose it or it would get stolen) So I didn't write most of March. After I finally stop dealing with that and returned back to Texas, it was very hard to get back into my groove. I didn't write for an entire month and couldn't find the motivation to get started again. Then whenever I did decide to start writing again, it was only a couple pages.. Nothing major..each month end that I approached without finish a chapter in my book I started to feel more and more like a failure. Of course I didn't beat my self up too much. My original goal was somewhat unrealistic? I didn't realize everything it would take to get this book finished, edited, and published. Editing was the main thing that slowed me down. I need a professional. I read up on Strunk and White's "The Element of Style" and I had my friend who's pretty good with editing help me with my intro and chapter 1. She did a great job but she is very busy and can not consistently dedicate the time needed to completely edit my book, I haven't pushed the issue either..because she has a family and she's very busy in other areas. So I decided I'd try to at least finish the book and worry about editing later. Good idea! It could work, if I could just get started. its been 2 months since I had that idea and I still haven't made much progress because I won't write! I want to, I just don't, I don't know what's wrong with me. All I can do is shake my head and pray for God's help in this matter." And the other thing that I can do is Just start typing? Just write! I know if I just write God will take care of the rest, so I'm making a vow starting tonight..that's right, I've decided just now, that I will write something in this book that God has given to me every single day. I don't care if its only 10 minutes! I have to get this done. No more procrastination and putting it off! I am 32 years old going on 33, I've got to get some things done! So My prayer is tonight that Lord "please place a joyful burden on my heart daily to write in this book so I can finish it before my birthday Nov. 6Th! And get this book published before the end of this year! Lord please open all the right doors for me concerning this, I know I can do nothing with out you so I ask for your favor and help in this matter every step of the way, also Lord I pray that you give me the "space" to finish writing this book for You. Please fill me with the your words anoint every page and let it be filled with convicting and loving messages directly from your throne to my mind, heart, and laptop and then the pages of that Book, so that many will be lead to your kingdom, I ask and believe this will be done,in Jesus name Amen!" I love journaling its a sure fire way to put writers block and procrastination on the run!